:. Avatars 2013-2007 .:

Made for Dollstalgia forum 2013 Base is Dollstalgia exclusive by Izzy from The Shady Nook at http://celelorian.com/

Cropped from my mermaid image in Digital Paintings, then recolored. Not adoptable. 5/7/2013

Animated Borg av for limelight cafe. 10/3/2012 My base Credit to Star Trek Generations for use of Borg phrases, text.

Av at Limelight Cafe 8/17/2012 My base.

Avatar for Backstage Lounge and Limelight Cafe. My base. 2011-12

A renaissance portrait inspired from a painting. Made in 2007. My base.

A portrait of Catherine Parr made for a contest but sadly didnt have time to submit. Made March 2009. My base.

2011 My base.